Enjoy Block Island from the Comfort of your Home
Unless you are reading this on your phone, put it away. Don’t check social media. Do not open up apps. Ignore the news alerts. Forget about that email. For this moment you are on vacation. Say it with me… I am on vacation. I am on Block Island time.
Grab your coffee, or other drink of choice, put on some light music, put on your slipper socks and robe, turn on the Christmas lights if you’ve already hung them and get ready to reminisce with some of the best memories you have.
If you are up to it, make one of your favorite Block Island meals. Do you love the Chicken Parm from Kimberly's? How about the Salmon at The Barn at Spring House?
Do you have a beach scented candle? Light it. This will help with the ambiance.
Okay. The mood is now set. You are ready. Sit back, relax and enjoy the photos below. Remember Block Island and all the good times you had. Think about your next adventure to the island. Put a smile on your face.
If you would like to see more, request a copy of our 2020 magazine. This publication is full of brilliant photos. All you have to do is email blockisland02807@gmail.com with “Magazine” in the subject line and your address in the body of the email.
And as always, visit our website for information and even more photography - www.blockislandinfo.com
**Click on each photo for photo credit.