November at Andys Way

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Getting Here

Getting here is half the adventure of the vacation....

With regularly scheduled transportation to and from the island, visitors can discover Block Island in just one day or stay and experience the vacation of a lifetime.


Block Island maintains two harbors and is well-known as one of New England's premier boating destinations.

Ferry Transportation

Block Island is closer than you think! In Summer Season ferries depart daily from Point Judith RI, Newport RI, New London CT, and Montauk NY as well as Orient Point, NY.  In the Off-season only the ferry from Point Judith (which is…

Airport and Airline Information

Block Island state airport is a vacation destination for thousands of passengers each year arriving on New England airlines. The airport also serves the community’s critical needs by providing access for time-sensitive cargo and…

Taxi Transportation

Taxi service is available island-wide.  A taxi stand is located by the ferry docks in Old Harbor, and taxi's regularly wait for customers at New Harbor and the airport.  Most Taxi's offer Island tours as well.