You’ve packed away your swimsuit and stopped stock piling the sunscreen. Those white capris? Not until Memorial Day friends! It’s that time of year where all beach goers start crying on the inside. Summer is almost over. BUT all is not hopeless. Many will say that Block Island gets better in the Fall. Good things come to those that wait.

While the small island is packed to the max all summer, by late September our Summer friends have abandoned the beaches and restaurants so the regulars start to move back in. We are happy to soak up the chill vibe on some of the most beautiful beaches on the East Coast. You won’t find many beach chairs or large groups of beach goers. And since all of our beaches are free and open to the public, you just need to find your favorite access point and you’ll be able to be one with your blue space again. The pureness you’ll walk away with is worth the trip alone. Block Island beaches are beautiful all times of the year, and in sweet September the water is still warm enough for swimming and there is a little more room on the sand.

Accommodations, from B&Bs to Hotels to house rentals tend to become more affordable in this so called 'Shoulder Season'. Settle in at your first choice lodging and stroll to dinner without having to wait in line. Enjoy a spectacular fall sunset and a clear night sky.

Whether you take a short walk on the shoreline or bike the whole island, either choice is sure to be scenic. Stop and smell the flora, search for a glass float, watch the birds. Life is decidedly peaceful on the Island in the Fall. We invite you to be a part of it.

More information on visiting and what is open in the Fall can be found at